
About Us


Indian Ocean Strategic Research Centre (IOSRC)

Welcome to the Indian Ocean Strategic Research Centre, where curiosity meets expertise, and innovation drives solutions. Our center is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of the Indian Ocean, a critical geopolitical and environmental region that plays a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of nations.

Our Vision

To be a leading hub for cutting-edge research, analysis, and collaboration, driving sustainable development and strategic solutions for the nations within the Indian Ocean region.                                                                                                           

Our Mission

Empowering stakeholders with actionable insights and fostering interdisciplinary research to address challenges and opportunities in the Indian Ocean, promoting peace, prosperity, and environmental sustainability.

Our Experts

Dr. V. Suresh Madha

Senior Professor

Prof. Venkatesan Madha Suresh M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., M.B.A., Ph.D., PDF.,
ICSSR - SENIOR FELLOW Centre for Environmental Sciences (School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) University of Madras Guindy Campus Chennai: 600 025 INDIA

Prof. Gamini Adiikari

Senior Professor

Senior Professor
Director Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology (PGIAR) University of Kelaniya

Dr. Achala Abekoon

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Pushpika Ganegoda

Senior Lecturer