  • Indian Ocean Strategic Research Centre
  • The Indian Ocean is a crucial conduit for global trade
  • The Indian Ocean is the world’s oldest long-distance trans-oceanic trading arena


Research Excellence

Conduct rigorous and impactful research to deepen our understanding of the Indian Ocean's geopolitical, economic, and environmental dynamics.

Policy Guidance

Provide evidence-based recommendations to policymakers, aiding in the formulation of strategic policies that benefit the nations within the Indian Ocean.

International Collaboration

Foster collaboration with research institutions, governments, and organizations globally to promote knowledge exchange and collective efforts in addressing regional challenges.

Capacity Building

Contribute to the development of expertise and leadership by supporting educational initiatives, workshops, and training programs related to Indian Ocean studies.

Innovation and Technology

Embrace technological advancements to enhance research methodologies, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Importance of the Indian Ocean

Geography of indian ocean

The Indian Ocean, with its vast expanse and strategic location, is more than just a body of water; it is a conduit for commerce, a theater for geopolitical interactions, and a reservoir of biodiversity. Home to diverse cultures and economies, the Indian Ocean is a key driver of global trade, connecting nations and influencing regional stability.

Our center recognizes the multifaceted importance of the Indian Ocean and its connecting Oceans and Ports of Call , encompassing economic prosperity, Uninterrupted security, environmental sustainability and geopolitical stability. By delving into its complexities, we aim to unlock the potential for collaborative solutions that benefit the nations and communities within this dynamic region.

Our Focus


environmental sustainability

The aim is to build knowledge and capacity to protect and restore blue carbon ecosystems across the Indian Ocean that improve livelihoods, reduce vulnerability to natural disasters and help mitigate climate change.

Cultural Diversity

Within this region, there exists a remarkable tapestry of cultures, languages, and customs. Each country contributes unique elements to this rich mosaic, reflecting centuries of historical interactions, migrations, and exchanges.

Commercial Maritime Trade

Studying improved transportation technologies and commercial practices to increase trade volume


Maintaining peace, preventing unauthorized invasions, and protecting mineral resources in other countries within the Indian Ocean.

Blue Economy

The blue economy encompasses the sustainable use of ocean resources for growth, job creation & environmental sustainability